Because you are unique…
We at Studio Cloud 30 value the significance of individuality and embrace the reality that everyone is different. Rather than taking a “one size fits all” approach through generic teaching methods and textbook techniques, we proudly customize our services specifically to meet the individual needs of each of our clients.
Because you deserve the best…
Our clients expect the best, so that is what we provide. From our knowledgeable, experienced staff, to our state-of-the-art training facility, we pride ourselves in maintaining impeccable standards in order to provide our clients with the highest level of service.
Because we get it…
Studio Cloud 30 provides exclusive performance opportunities for clients to test their skills out in a practical setting. From our quarterly Solo Sessions and annual Red Carpet Concert Series, to our workshops and acoustic jams, Studio Cloud 30 allows its clients to showcase their talents in a safe and supportive environment. Whether your goal is be successful, fulfilled or simply just have fun with your craft, our qualified industry professionals will be on hand to assist you every step of the way.